I clearly don't get to the movies enough. I have never seen, nor frankly have any desire to see, the movies referenced in the preceding 4 cents. Let's just forget "bromance" and "chicks before dicks" and go back to pure unadulterated romance depicted in movies such as An Affair to Remember, Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Dirty Dancing, and Pretty Woman -- just to name a few. You didn't see the main male characters running off with their male buddies for a couple of brewskies night after night leaving potential love interests behind. Nor did the chicks leave their love interest to down a couple of cosmopolitans. Back in the day, instead of being with just your buds and talking about sex -- you'd rather be with your love interest and possibly having sex. As much as I love my girlfriends, potentially having sex with my love interest was always more appealing to me than talking about it.
Does that mean your buds go down the drain when love blooms? Absolutely not - that's the beauty of "friendship": your friends understand and support your pursuit. Is that really true?, you ask. You bet -- and I speak from experience. My three dearest friends I've had from ages 6, 14, and 18; and during almost 47 years of friendship, would never have allowed me to put chicks before dicks. We let each other off the hook from a night of girl talk for a night of romance. In fact, we would have scolded each other if we hadn't.
In today's generation, some get that there is romance -- I know they do. Others -- I'm not so sure about. I guess we'll see how many are still with their buds, having a few brewskies or cosmos talking about solo pleasuring activities. Now that will really tell the tale.
LOL so true!!