Sunday, May 15, 2011

2 Cents on Driving Stick

There are many reasons why I love my car. One, it fits my personality (at least, I think). It’s a red, two-door coupe, it’s big trunk allows me to carry a lot of cargo, after eleven years there have been few mechanical issues, and even though the car has had a few, minor incidents, as my grandfather says, “It takes a licking, and comes back kicking.” And because I keep a fairly clean car, I (usually) don’t mind driving and showing if off. But the best thing about my car: the look of surprise on people’s faces that it’s a stick shift.

I get the look from both male and females. Usually the girls are surprised more because how many people drive a manual? This is mixed with awe because not only do I know how, but I also do it every day. The guys on the other hand are impressed and then a little ashamed. Most of the males I know don’t know how to drive a manual, or didn’t until they met me. But what’s so surprising about me driving stick? Is it because I am a girl (which many comment on), the fact that it’s a dying art (because so few in my generation know how), or that they think my personality doesn’t lend itself to manual driving like I think it does?

But driving a manual is like any other skill. I had to learn, fail a few times, get frustrated, and get back to it, excel at it and love it. Driving a stick is no different from learning how to sew or cook (both traditionally female roles) or play baseball or fix what’s broken (both traditionally male roles). Furthermore, I think everyone should learn how to drive stick, or at least try to learn. First: it’s fun. Second: Shouldn’t every person attempt as many skills as possible? I realize it’s not for everyone (much like some people should stay out of the kitchen and off the baseball field).

For me, I have put Learn how to drive manual in the “Accomplished” list. Change a tire and Cook perfect rice-a-roni are still on the “Working Progress” list. When I can change a tire by myself, I intend on showing that skill off too (to both my male and female friends). Bring on more of those surprised/impressed/awed looks. And if anyone wants to tutor me on how to change a tire, I would be happy to teach you how to drive a manual.

One last thing if anyone is curious: I know more females who drive stick than males. Guess those gender stereotypes are not always accurate.


  1. we are elitists, those of us who can drive a stick.

    i bought my car only because it was a stick. for years i refused to buy anything less :)
