Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Cents on Broken Hearts

ten things i learned from my last broken heart
1) It's possible to be a little heartbroken for a long time.  Once, we were almost something, but only almost and only for a little while.  If my calculations are correct, I should therefore have felt only a little sad and only for a short time.  But that broken-hearted feeling continued ebbing and flowing in intensity long after I would have expected it to cease.  Ridiculous!  This mourning period is completely out of proportion to what actually occurred between us, I scolded myself.  But all I could really do is sigh and wait for time to pass:  there’s a reason why art is full of longing that lasts. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

6 Cents on Defining Sanity

Well, it’s nice to know that I am not the only weird person in this family- I also indulge in the same media over and over again.  Almost everyone knew freshman thru junior year in college that I fell asleep watching The Princes Bride every night.  Senior year, it was rare that people would walk into my apartment and Twilight would not be playing (because that is such a good movie).  But even all through childhood, I watched the same movies over and over again (Pocahontas, The Lion King, An American Tail, and pretty much all other children’s movies).  My father used to bellow at me about this obsessive habit of mine (even as recently as a couple years ago when I couldn’t stop watching Guys and Dolls- I love Marlon Brando).  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4 Cents on Defining Sanity?

I, too, tend to watch the same films over and over again and have often wondered why something with which I’m intimately familiar holds more interest for me than something new and potentially wonderful.  Wouldn't new and exciting always trump knows-every-line-by-heart?